The Equivalence: the Equality of the TOTAL Universe
There exist basically two conceptions of the Equality: Identity and Equivalence.
The first one, the Identity, consists in saying:
X = X or X IS X or X ER X
(where the technical word "ER" means "TO BE", the verb of the Equality).
For example, from a numerical point of view, the Identity consists in saying:
0 = 0, 1 = 1, 2 + 2 = 4, etc.
In other words, from the point of view of the Identity, a thing is only itself, and two different things X and Y cannot be Equal.
That conception of the Equality, with which everyone most currently reasons and who is used to make science, is very restricted.
It is very little appropriate to understand the Universe, its Nature, its Logic, its Functioning, etc.
The second conception of the Equality, the Equivalence, is infinitely more general and more powerful.
According to this Equality, two different things X and Y, can however be the same thing,
in the sense that they are always Equal from a certain point of view (called their Modulo).
For example, two humans X and Y have each one their Identity, they are thus not Equal within the meaning of the Identity,
we have only X = X and Y = Y.
But the two humans are Equal as humans, that is to say from the point of view of their common quality of human.
We say that X = Y modulo Human or X ER Y modulo Human.
In the same way, two stars X and Y, although different from the point of view of the Identity, are Equal as stars (i.e. modulo Star).
The same for two dolphins, two electrons, two flowers, etc.
For two things X and Y, there is thus always a certain point of view, a certain common quality for which we have:
X = Y or X IS Y or X ER Y.
In the worst case, X and Y are Equal as things (or modulo Thing),
and that means that they are Equal from the point of view of their common membership to the TOTAL Universe,
the Set of all the things.
In other words, two things X and Y, whatever their difference, are always Equal within the meaning of Equivalence.
This law of Equivalence, called the XERY
(which thus means X ER Y or X = Y), is very fundamental in the TOTAL Universe.
It means that things are not as separate as we usually conceive it with the Identity.
The TOTAL Universe is Unique, he is One, all the things are Gathered and United by him, they are fundamentally One with him.
The Law of the XERY is the Law of the Unity, of the Union, of... the Love.
From a numerical point of view, the Equivalence consists in saying things like:
0 = 1, 2 + 2 = 5, 0 = 24, etc.
This kind of Equalities can surprise, and yet it is quite simply the Logic of
the Circle or
the Cycle.
For example, we know that the day is a 24 hours cycle,
and for that reason 0:00 and 24:00 are Equivalent
(we say: 0 = 24 modulo 24).
In that cycle 24 there is also this Equivalence: 6 = 30 modulo 24, which means that in a cycle of 24 hours,
the 30th hour is Equivalent to 6 AM.
The Equivalence open us the full understanding of the Universe, of the TOTAL Universe to be specific.
It is very closely associated with other basic conceptions of very great importance, as for example the Cycle
(which we presented very briefly),
the Fractal Structure,
the Alternation, etc.
The Equivalence is the Nature, the Logic and the Functionning of the TOTAL Universe.
It is the key of all the Science, the True Science.
For more information, see the Video 3: The XERY: the Universal Equivalence, the Union, the Unity, the Love
Or freely download the corresponding book in PDF format:
Book 3: The XERY: the Universal Equivalence, the Union, the Unity, the Love