This page proposes you to see the Videos of the TOTAL Universe, the New Paradigm.
We suggest you to view these videos in order. Their total length is only 1:30.
Feel free to review the videos at least a second time,
understanding of each of them can only be better after having had an overview of the New Paradigm.
To each one of these videos, there is a corresponding Book in PDF format,
free downloadable at the Download page.
Summary of the Videos
The TOTAL Universe is the SET of ALL things. Any thing EXISTS in the TOTAL Universe...
The TOTAL Universe is the ELEMENT of all things. He is the Single Element which constitutes ANY thing. He creates ALL things by simple Iteration of himself.
Two things X and Y, whatever is their Difference, are Equivalent, they are fundamentally the only and same TOTAL Universe.
The Negation of the TOTAL Universe is THE PROBLEM, the root of all the evils. A world without Negation of the TOTAL Universe is a world without negative things.
We live in a World of Negation. The only goal of the life in these Worlds is to relearn the TOTAL Universe, the Lost Life.
A new Universe is being created, "New Heavens ans New Earth", a World of ALTERNATION, governed by the XERY, the Absolute Love.
We must adress to the TOTAL Universe the request to live in the New World, and collaborate in its creation.
The contents of these videos are available in book versions (seven books), in PDF format, which can be freely downloaded at the following links: The Books-Videos of the TOTAL Universe, the New Paradigm