This site invites you to discover the TOTAL Universe. It is a new vision of the Universe and things, a New Paradigm for Science, that is to say, a new base, new fundamental principles. It's also a new vision of the question of God. The world, its sciences, its foundations, etc., in short, all that makes that the world is what it is, are not good bases. The TOTAL Universe, the New Paradigm, it is thus also the base of a New World.
All that is presented:
- in seven videos which you are invited to view in the Video page of the site.
- in seven books in PDF format which correspond to the videos,
free downloadable in the Download page.
- Other documents are also available for free download.
Share freely all the videos, the books and the documents of this site.
The scientific problem number 1 is in fact the problem of the Negation,
a very sneaky problem which has escaped up to now, like a vicious serpent.
Negation as Lie, Falseness, Error, Paradox, etc. And Negation as Negative, Negativity, Evil, etc.
It is the philosophical and scientific enigma to be solved, and all the Light is done on the Universe and things.
The Paradigm of the TOTAL Universe is the one which solves the mystery of the Negation.
The Negation is the fundamental Problem of Universe and Science, and the root of all the problems and all the evils of the world.
The mystery of the Negation, it is the question of the Devil, enlightened by the Paradigm of the TOTAL Universe, the Science of God.
And also, the Paradigm of the TOTAL Universe allows us to discover the Alternation,
which is all the opposite of the Negation. The Alternation is the Nature,
the Logic and the normal Functioning of the Universe, the TOTAL Universe to be specific.
Alternation as Truth, Coherence, Correctness, etc. And Alternation as Affirmative, Positivity, Good, etc.
For more information, see:
- Video 4: The Negation of the TOTAL Universe: the Problem, the Error, the Evil
- Video 5: Earth of Negation in a Universe of Negation; the TOTAL Universe: the Origin and the Goal of the Life
- Video 6: The XERY: the Universal Equivalence, the Union, the Unity, the Love
Or freely download the corresponding books in PDF format:
Book 4: The Negation of the TOTAL Universe: the Problem, the Error, the Evil
Book 5: Earth of Negation in a Universe of Negation; the TOTAL Universe: the Origin and the Goal of the Life
Book 6: The New Universe, the "New Heavens" and the "New Earth"
Two things X and Y, whatever is their Difference, are Equivalent,
they are fundamentally the only and same TOTAL Universe.
Click here
to download freely the Book of the Video 3 in PDF format.
This is the first of the seven Videos:
Click here to go to the page of all the
Videos of the New Paradigm.
Or freely download the following books in PDF format:
Book 1: The OMEGA: the Set, the TOTAL Reality
Book 2: The ALPHA: the Element, the Generator of all Things
And click the image or here to download a special PDF document: The Request of Forgiveness.